Why, why, why?

Started by TamaraEnLaPlaya, January 22, 2018, 01:12:16 AM

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Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide :-\
So, let's examine the evidence::

     (1)   No Christmas  :(

     (2)   No Television   

     (3)   No Football   ???

     (4)   No Nude Women    :o

     (5)   No Pork Chops   :(

     (6)   No Hot Dogs

     (7)   No Burgers   :o

     (8)   No Beer    :'(

     (9)   No Bacon

     (10)  Rags for Clothes

     (11)  Towels for Hats 

     (12)  Constant Wailing from some Idiot in a Tower 

     (13)  More than One Wife   >:(

     (14)  More than One Mother in Law   :o

     (15)  You can't Shave :(

     (16)  Your Wife Can't Shave   ;D

     (17)  You can't Wash Off the Smell of Donkey

     (18)  You Cook Over Burning Camel Dung

     (19)  Your Wife is Picked by Someone Else for You   :-*

     (20)  Your Wife Smells Worse Than Your Donkey    >:D

THEN, they tell you that "When you die, it all gets much better

Well, No S**t Sherlock :o  It's not like it could get much worse