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Started by decho, October 27, 2014, 16:33:08 PM

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Just had my renewal for the next 3 months and it's gone up from â,¬18 to â,¬20 per month for the basic package. Bit disappointed TBH....I know it's only a measly â,¬2 per month but there are other people offering this service who also seem to get good reviews.

Some Bloke

Quote from: decho on March 15, 2016, 08:43:33 AM
Just had my renewal for the next 3 months and it's gone up from â,¬18 to â,¬20 per month for the basic package. Bit disappointed TBH....I know it's only a measly â,¬2 per month but there are other people offering this service who also seem to get good reviews.

I've just made an enquiry for the ZKTV service and was quoted (by Paul) â,¬25 per month - he said that people have been paying this for the last year in respect of the basic package? Is this true?


Quote from: Some Bloke on March 30, 2016, 13:02:24 PM
Quote from: decho on March 15, 2016, 08:43:33 AM
Just had my renewal for the next 3 months and it's gone up from â,¬18 to â,¬20 per month for the basic package. Bit disappointed TBH....I know it's only a measly â,¬2 per month but there are other people offering this service who also seem to get good reviews.

I've just made an enquiry for the ZKTV service and was quoted (by Paul) â,¬25 per month - he said that people have been paying this for the last year in respect of the basic package? Is this true?

Yes, â,¬25 pcm is what I have been paying for the past year or do, and I consider it pretty good value. Not sure where the cheaper price comes from unless, perhaps, longer-standing customers have been kept on a preferential rate? No idea but, as I say, I'm happy to pay the current price, even with the recent rise.

Some Bloke

I've just made an enquiry for the ZKTV service and was quoted (by Paul) â,¬25 per month - he said that people have been paying this for the last year in respect of the basic package? Is this true?

Yes, â,¬25 pcm is what I have been paying for the past year or do, and I consider it pretty good value. Not sure where the cheaper price comes from unless, perhaps, longer-standing customers have been kept on a preferential rate? No idea but, as I say, I'm happy to pay the current price, even with the recent rise.

Yes, that's fair enough - and â,¬18 on top for sports? Gets a bit pricey but probably worth it for a stable service with good support?


I think there was a cheaper tariff without VOD,  40 Euros a month for TV, catch up TV, Videos, Sport (Sky, BT and all the Saturday Premier League 3pm kick offs) is great value and a darn sight cheaper than Sky.


ZTV are providing the main 5 UK channels in HD at no extra cost in June and July so customers can watch the Euro championships and Wimbledon in HD.


ZTV are replacing the existing sport offering which costs 15 Euros a month with stations added to their TV channels. The new service will cost an additional 8 euros per month for those currently without sports.
The current sports channels will terminate on 31/8.
The new service will provide all Premiership matches and selected championship and football league matches via mainly BEIN TV. Other channels will include all types of sport including golf and cricket.
The channels will not include Sky and BT


What's the speed of the Internet like with ZKTV. Thanks


Quote from: missmac on August 14, 2016, 15:52:29 PM
What's the speed of the Internet like with ZKTV. Thanks
Not quite sure what you mean here? ZKTV don't provide Internet, only IPTV service. They will however help us get the best deal with Movistar for Internet Service.
If you are asking what the speed of the Internet doing other things whilst watching TV through ZKTV I have noticed no difference in performance.


We have just installed ZKTV and it is fantastic,we did have some small problems at first but they were dealt with straightaway,we would happily recommend this system


Does anyone know how to get rid of the info pop ups? I've constantly got banners across the bottom of the screen. Thanks  :D


Quote from: CKFE on August 24, 2016, 17:04:08 PM
Does anyone know how to get rid of the info pop ups? I've constantly got banners across the bottom of the screen. Thanks  :D

I haven't found a way of preventing them appearing but pressing OK will clear one from your screen. From what I understand the info banners are put on the system when deemed appropriate but if you haven't got your system running at the time they will build up in the background and then all feed through when you switch on. It does mean that you need to sit with your thumb on the OK button for a few minutes sometimes!


The ZKTV system continues to give good value, in both picture quality and selection of channels. I am getting a bit of stick from the wife for watching too much football now on most days and when that is not on I am watching the golf.

In comparison to the ZKTV system I understand that FILMON now charge â,¬15 a month for 20 channels and no catch-up and most of the android boxes no longer can show free UK TV Stations.

Some Bloke

Have to say we've had the ZKTV service running for a few months now - and have been so impressed with it that I bought another MAG box to set it up in the UK (enabling us to bin off a £90+ per month contract with Virgin Media in the process).

Never met the bloke but Paul does also go above and beyond in terms of customer service - simply do not have a bad word to say about it.   


Just reading all the posts below and remembering back to the time when the only way you would get UK tv or SKy on the Island was to istall a 3m Satalitte
dish or watch it in the pub, now there are a lot of choices on the island for tv viewing. I am of the view go with whatever tv provider your happiest with.  remember most people who go to live in Fuerteventura go there to live the dream lucky beggers! and stressing about which is the best tv service is not part of the dream.
Not everybody is tech savvy so if there is a provider who will supply and maintain the service at a cost and you are happy to pay for it go for it
For those who are getting free tv service via kodi boxes or any android devices and i am one remember you get what you pay for.

I think the Island has everything now
lots of Sunshine, very laid back lifestyle, daily flights and the internet which will get better as the big service providers will ramp up there service.
am i missing anything?


Have been with ZKTV for a while now. However, as there are so many other iptv providers who are cheaper, considering changing to another iptv provider. Anyone changed from ZKTV and tried another provider? If so be nice to hear your experience and if you were happy that new provider provided as good a service as ZKTV or if you went back to ZKTV.

When I see some of the prices it seems that ZKTV are perhaps over priced in the present market.


I was with ZKTV and changed, only because i got a better deal.....nothing wrong with ZKTV programming or service. I pay 125 â,¬ for 6 months. Have all UK terrestrial channels in HD with 7 day catch up. All sky and bt sports and bein sports.....can watch every EPL game live at 3pm on a Saturday. Have over 4k films and box sets on demand.

For a little over 20 â,¬ per month its superb value for money. I have a mag 254 box


Quote from: Kyle on September 07, 2017, 17:56:41 PM
I was with ZKTV and changed, only because i got a better deal.....nothing wrong with ZKTV programming or service. I pay 125 â,¬ for 6 months. Have all UK terrestrial channels in HD with 7 day catch up. All sky and bt sports and bein sports.....can watch every EPL game live at 3pm on a Saturday. Have over 4k films and box sets on demand.

For a little over 20 â,¬ per month its superb value for money. I have a mag 254 box

Sounds like we are using the same service. Plus the agent for me lives close by. I know the rules about advertising apply on the forum company names. However I found the company looking in "The Voice" magazine.

I`m not knocking ZKTV was with it for a while and was pleased with what it offered. However the price crept up over time.


Are there any iptv providers who provide a PAYG service. I have tried the kodi option & tbh just too much faffing about. Also tried a number of the iptv apps for ios & these are all pretty rubbish as well. Would like something where I can buy the box, pay for a month or so when we are out here & just sit down switch on & select a channel. TIA


Ace TV is PAYG and works on your ZKTV MAG box - switching over takes minutes.

I've been using Ace on my old ZKTV box since June, no problems at all, no buffering or anything - I'm in Corralejo with internet that is usually around 6MB. Ace comes highly recommended.

I honestly can't figure why anyone would pay more than double for ZKTV when Ace gives you everything you need: live TV, catchup TV, movies, TV series and all Sky/BT and international sports, even Pay per View, all for a tenner a month.

There's no contractual obligation, just pay for what you need, when you need it, PAYG a month at a time for â,¬10.

Of course it gets cheaper if you sign-up for longer; 3 months â,¬25, 6 months â,¬40, 12 months â,¬70

They also do a FREE 24 hour trial/test.

More info here: Beams TV - www.beams-tv.com


Quote from: Ironworks on September 28, 2017, 21:29:20 PM
Ace TV is PAYG and works on your ZKTV MAG box - switching over takes minutes.

I've been using Ace on my old ZKTV box since June, no problems at all, no buffering or anything - I'm in Corralejo with internet that is usually around 6MB. Ace comes highly recommended.

I honestly can't figure why anyone would pay more than double for ZKTV when Ace gives you everything you need: live TV, catchup TV, movies, TV series and all Sky/BT and international sports, even Pay per View, all for a tenner a month.

There's no contractual obligation, just pay for what you need, when you need it, PAYG 24 hours is £2 (this is for testing really), PAYG a month at a time for £10.

Of course it gets cheaper if you do sign-up for longer; 3 months is £25, a year is £70.

More info here: Ace TV - ace-tv.co.uk

Does Ace have catchup? If so is it 7 or 14 days?


It definitely has catchup, I believe it is 7 days, but it could be longer.

An email to sales@ace-iptv.com will give you the definitive answer to this or any other questions you may have.


Thanks for that have already sent an email to sales. Will finish my present session with iptv service I`m using and try their 1 day trial. Price is really good and if service is as good as you say sounds like I`ll make a switch as well.


It looks nigh on identical to ZKTV, same menu system, same method of operation etc, so I'm sure you'll find it a bit of a no-brainer, as your basically getting the same thing for less than half the price. :D

In fact for anyone doing villa rentals, Ace is far better because it also has channels in French, German, Italian, Indian, Polish, Russian etc etc etc - so it works for all your visitors, regardless of their nationalities.


ZKTV have changed the sports offering to include Sky Sports, BT sports and additional BEIN channels showing matches not covered by Sky/BT plus a number of a  wide range of other sports channels.
Anyone with a MAG box can have a free 7 day trial, ZKTV will require your box number to enable the service - no personal details are required for the trial.
If you sign up for a six month contract ZKTV will supply a free MAG 25 box


So ZKTV for 6 months x £25 = £150. Or £300 for the year.

For comparison sake, Ace-TV is â,¬70 for a full year. More info here: Beams TV - www.beams-tv.com

Frankly if ZKTV or their local reps didn't get so greedy, I doubt I'd ever have had the need to find alternatives like Ace-TV.

FYI during my time with ZKTV i saw 3 price increases. It's greed pure and simple. I eventually discontinued using them because I didn't like being taking for a ride.

The going rate for a stream that includes all regular live TV, sports, movies, catch-up, box-sets etc is £10 a month. This price typically gets cheaper if you commit to a longer period.

There are many such streams listed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IyIuugnKqYZweKLkuqRQ9Vh1GbOEbrEtJyFodhK6p4Q/pubhtml - all offer as much or more than ZKTV.

ZKTV is a good service, but the price is a p!ss-take that is intended to squeeze as much as possibe out of an ill-informed customer base that just want to get their fix of UK telly.

P.S. You can buy an Android box in Electron in Rosario for â,¬55, comes complete with TV remote and a keyboard, it will run MAG box emulation software that works with any stream of your choice.

Install guide for Ace TV: https://ace-tv.co.uk/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=1

Includes a free MAG box emulator: https://ace-tv.co.uk/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=6

Some Bloke

Quote from: Ironworks on October 01, 2017, 14:20:02 PM
So ZKTV for 6 months x £25 = £150. Or £300 per year

Well we paid â,¬260 for the year with zktv, so not sure where £300 comes from?

Each will go with what feels right to them - for us, the tv package we have (in London & Fuerte) is excellent value and, crucially, Paul provides first class support, which I think is hugely important. Any issues are resolved in the space of minutes and we often end up having a good chat. I appreciate that kind of personal touch.

Perhaps I'm naturally cautious, but having found the service that's right for us, I'm wary of new ones with no track record that fly very low on price. You tend to get what you pay for in this life...


Mate, if you want to buy a â,¬10 service for £25, you go right ahead - some on here have not got the luxury of being so free and easy about paying an extra £15+ a month for a service readily available for less from other providers.

Incidentally, Ace-TV also have excellent customer service, with prompt responses and help with setup - they even talked me through setting it up on a second TV in a second room at no additional cost to me, and with no financial gain for them.

As with all of my TV related posts on here, I'm just sharing my experiences and making the good people that frequent this forum aware of the various options that exist - some of my recommendations are for free services, some like this one are recommendations for paid services that offer greater reliability. I have personally been using Ace TV since the beginning of June (I would not be recommending it otherwise) and it's been flawless thus far.

In this particular case the point is that ZKTV charge well over the odds, and there are other options like Ace-TV that provide, for less than half the price, a service that is as good or better.

All i can do is bring that to folks attention - the choice is then theirs.

Incidentally, it might also be worth pointing out that this is an unmoderated forum, and it's been clear for some time that ZKTV have been using that fact to hijack this forum as a vehicle for generating sales - with rampant self-promotion and dubious reviews, some of which will more than likely have been posted by ZKTV people using fake accounts.

ZKTV is a good service, but they are not the only reliable service available, yet they are charging a premium by continually perpetuating the myth that they are. Blimey, at one point they were even trying to pitch it on here that ZKTV was 'legal', it isn't - all streaming services of this nature are illegal, to claim otherwise is simply dishonest.

P.S. Ace-TV is not a product 'flying low on price', it is priced at a typical market value for a quality stream. Rather it is ZKTV taking a very similar product of similar value, but then increasing the price up as high as they believe their customers will tolerate.

The more enlightened on here are fully aware of how ZKTV operate, how they use this forum, and how they set their pricing as exhorbitantly as they can.


I have no axe to grind, I have been using ZKTV for about 3 years and am very happy with the quality, performance and support I receive.

I could try and find something cheaper but think that I am getting good value for money and I believe you only get what you pay for.

I did have a look on the ACE TV page on Facebook and see that  a number of people were complaining that the service had locked out and they couldn't watch the football. Mind you I watched the West Ham game and it sent me to sleep ;D


Haha, no argument there, West Ham are tragically bad right now.

The 'locking out' issue is a 'UK only' problem and may ultimately effect all stream providers, even ZKTV, as internet providers like BT and Sky in England are starting to actively block the servers of streaming companies, much like they did previously with Torrent sites.

So the complaints you read are completely irrelevant to users here on Fuerte, it is purely as issue for users located in the UK that get their internet from BT or Sky, and who get their football via streams.