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Caleta de Fuste Fiesta 11-14 Oct 2012

Started by Captain Sensible, October 06, 2012, 12:48:42 PM

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Captain Sensible

Caleta's Fiesta to celebrate the local patron saint - Ntra. Sra. de la Peña del Mar is on from 11 - 14 October 2012.

The main events are:

Thursday 11 October

21.00     Opening ceremony of the 2012 Fishing tournament at the marquee in the harbour.

Friday 12 October

09.00     Start of the Deep Sea Fishing Tournament
10.30     Start of the VII Open Golf Tournament at the Las Salinas course
17.00     Boats return from the fishing competition at the harbour
18.30     Parade through the streets of Caleta with the Mafasca Steel Band.  It starts opposite the                Pan Tarajal bakery and goes round Caleta and up to the marquee by the main bus stop                at the Recinto Ferial.
19.30     Childrens and Musical Show performed by Thomas Cook's Animatioon teams
22.00     Live music in the Marquee at the Recinto Ferial with Vinnie & Paul, 5 Senses Band,                      tributes and music from Fito and Fitipaldis and Th Fuleke Band

Saturday 13 October

08.00     2nd day of the VII Open Golf at the Fuerteventura Golf Club
09.00     2nd day of the Deep Sea Fishing Tournament
10.00     1st rowing race on the sea near the harbour
11.30     Children's party with bouncy castles, workshops and music, with Jiribillia, on the main                beach in Caleta
13.00     Foam Party for children on the main beach in Caleta
17.00     Fishing boats return to the harbour
18.00     Awards Ceremony in the marquee at the harbour, followed bya performance from the                group  La Taifa
20.00     Awards ceremony for the Golf Tournament at the Fuerteventura Gran Casino
24.00     Late night dancing and party with Grupo Bomba and Orchestra El Combo Dominican                  from Gran Canaria
24.15     Firework Display

Sunday 14 October

10.00     Eucharist religious procession and service in the marquee at the harbour
11.00     Children's Fishing Competition in the harbour.  Meet at the marquee.
11.30     Local Folk Dancing and performances at the marquee in the harbour.
13.00     The end of the children's fishing competition, followed by prize giving.
14.00     Lunch time!  Food for all participants and organizers.

Captain Sensible

It's Fiesta time!  The funfair is on the Recinto Ferial as well.